3.5 million users per month make SAPO the most visited Portuguese site

3.5 million users per month make SAPO the most visited Portuguese site

The figures with which the brand closed the year show a significant leap forward, determined by the diversification of the partner ecosystem, the offer of new services and products and the launch of a new homepage.    

Already this year, but as a result of this path of consolidation, SAPO is once again showing why it is the most visited Portuguese website, by receiving the 2024 Recommended Brand Award, a distinction that results from the level of reputation earned among consumers and expressed on the Complaint Portal. 2023 was marked by a profound reconfiguration and modernization of the Homepage. The result was a significant improvement in the user experience, such as page loading, which now takes an average of 100 milliseconds, in line with the best international performances.

Due to its ability to respond to users' changing needs and the increased profitability of its gateway, SAPO ended the year with more than 1.3 billion pageviews on its Homepage and a monthly average of 3.5 million users.    

In 2023, more than 1.2 million highlights and more than 500 news items per day were published on the different areas of the SAPO portal, representing a 10% increase on the previous year, in an ecosystem that concentrates around 150 national, local and international reference partners. At the top of the pyramid of the most read topics in 2023 are news related to the war in Gaza and the invasion of Ukraine by Russia, the attack on the Ismaili Center in Lisbon, the resignation of Prime Minister António Costa, the application of zero VAT on essential goods and the death of actor and director Luís Aleluia.

Being absolutely transversal in its reach, SAPO served, in 2023, an audience balanced between women (49%) and men (51%) and with an age configuration close to that of the Portuguese population (8% of users in the 18 to 24 year old segment; 12% from 24 to 34 years old; 25% from 35 to 44 years old; 23% from 45 to 54 years old; 17% from 55 to 64 years old; 16% over 65 years old).    

The launch of its new Homepage, which in 2023 has become closer, more humanized and interactive, has allowed SAPO to reinforce its role as a reference in offering, free of charge and in Portuguese, the most up-to-date portrait of the country and the world.