Proximity Store concept at the new MEO store in Castelo Branco

Proximity Store concept at the new MEO store in Castelo Branco

The new 64 m² space in Castelo Branco is part of MEO's commitment to improving the experience of all its customers by modernizing its network of physical stores.

MEO's latest own store, which is very large and has no service desk separating those who attend from those who are attended to, promotes a closer and more emotional service style, aimed at adapting each customer's experience to their consumption patterns and way of life.

Characterized by an eminently technological component, the new store includes state-of-the-art digital media for the dissemination and promotion of MEO's communication campaigns, in line with the most advanced communication trends in the telecommunications sector at international level.

The new MEO Store in Castelo Branco has 5 service positions staffed by a total of 5 specialized professionals. It will be open 6 days a week, from Monday to Friday from 9 a.m. to 7 p.m. and Saturday from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m., and will provide all Albicastrenses with a closer and more comfortable experience, both in terms of trying out MEO, MOCHE and MEO Empresas products and services, and in terms of technical support, provided by MEO Stores throughout the country.