MEO Empresas and CNN Portugal make the first national broadcast over a private 5G network at the Millennium Estoril Open

MEO Empresas and CNN Portugal make the first national broadcast over a private 5G network at the Millennium Estoril Open

For the first time in Portugal, MEO Empresas and CNN Portugal are starring in the first HD television broadcast, supported by a private 5G mobile network, during the final match of the Millennium Estoril Open.

The country's biggest tennis event, which has the operator as a technology partner and the news channel as a media partner, is the venue chosen to demonstrate the benefits and advantages that 5G technology offers to the transmission of sporting events when complemented by a virtual private mobile network.

Given the large number of devices on site, this is the right environment to put a private network to the test, specifically designed and configured to ensure live transmission, under conditions of intensive use of the mobile network, without failures and with very high quality.

Private Custom Network is the new MEO Empresas solution that supports this operation. Designed, planned and implemented to suit the needs of each company, it combines the best of MEO's 5G mobile network with the exclusivity and security of private networks. With this solution, customers from a wide range of sectors - Industry, Logistics, Health or Media - can benefit from a customized 5G network, fully dedicated to their operations. The solution also includes access to a self-care portal that will allow companies to configure the connectivity characteristics of each device connected to the network, configure alerts and notifications, consult communication reports and run connectivity diagnostic tests.

For Nuno Nunes, Chief Sales Officer B2B at Altice Portugal, "With this innovative solution, presented for the first time in Portugal, we are once again one step ahead of the sector and the market. Our strategy and investment are centered on the needs and expectations of our customers. In this case, we are exploiting the maximum potential of 5G with a solution within the reach of Portuguese companies and organizations with a positive impact on their productivity. Responding to the ambition of Portuguese companies is our main goal in making the Private Custom Network solution available."

Mobility is a differentiating factor in television operations, as it allows teams greater agility and ease of implementation. The mobile network brings this flexibility, with transmission quality being a primary requirement.
This new solution from MEO Empresas guarantees all the levels of performance, availability and security required to broadcast an event of this size and affluence. Based on the Private Custom Network solution, CNN Portugal will ensure the transmission of the Millennium Estoril Open final match supported on MEO's public 5G network, with maximum performance and reliability, as if it had a 5G network exclusively dedicated to it.
For Joaquim Sousa Martins, CNN Portugal's Deputy Director of Information, "our channel has always been characterized by its commitment to innovation and the use of technology to enhance the way we communicate with our audience. To be able to be pioneers is a source of pride for us, especially at an event with which we are partners, such as the Millennium Estoril Open".