meo joins a cause that can't go to waste|Altice Portugal

MEO joins 'a cause that can't go to waste'

The figures are impressive. If just ¼ of the food wasted worldwide were donated, it would be possible to satisfy the hunger of 870 million people. The conclusion comes from FAO (Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations) data, which indicates that 1/3 of all food production is wasted every year, as underlined in the letter of adhesion to the UCD that Luíza Galindo, Marketing and Communication Director, is preparing to sign on behalf of MEO.

The aim of the Movement is to "mobilize society towards habits that facilitate the use of surpluses, making the fight against food waste habitual, encouraging and facilitating the donation of leftovers, as well as promoting responsible consumption", as underlined in the document already signed by more than three hundred companies.

"Making this commitment is a natural step for a company that has already established itself and earned its place among the pioneers in defending the causes that have the greatest impact on society. When we say 'humanize yourself' at MEO, this is also what we're talking about - joining forces in battles that belong to everyone and for which there are no solutions other than this joint mobilization," says Luíza Galindo.

The signing will take place at the Gare Marítima de Alcântara, in Lisbon, at an event organized by UCD, which will include a conference/debate around the theme. At the end of the afternoon, the doors will be opened to the public for a 'Sunset without waste', where participants will be able to watch show-cookings and performances by national DJs.

In its first initiative as a member of the UCD, MEO will launch an internal campaign under the slogan 'a cause we can't afford to waste', which will also be promoted on social networks and in MEO's network of stores across the country, with the aim of mobilizing as many people as possible to fight waste.