meo and amnesty international human rights

MEO and Amnesty International don't forget human rights

The world as we know it is changing. The context in which we live, of growing extremism, with geopolitical tensions, economic crises, intolerance and widespread tension are some of the most flagrant examples we face. Situations that require us to stop and reflect on human rights violations that are increasingly visible, but which go unnoticed and thus indifferent to society. Situations which, however, are an obvious violation of human rights.

When the Universal Declaration of Human Rights was proclaimed at the end of World War II, a milestone and a new chapter in history began to be written. The value of this Declaration comes from the commitment of all nations, organizations and individuals to ensure and respect fundamental human rights, such as dignity, the value of the human person and equal rights. A Declaration that, through its 30 articles, expresses the fundamental bases of human existence and coexistence, so that there are no doubts, so that the past is not repeated.

Fulfilling this commitment is considered, in any modern society, to be something major that cannot be ignored or taken for granted. However, today's reality shows us otherwise.

It is under this motto that MEO and Amnesty International, in an enlightened manner and convinced of the relevance of their work, are joining forces to remind and sensitize the Portuguese to the fundamental pillars of Humanity: Human Rights.

MEO, as a brand based on humanization and with a history of social impact, aware of the relevance of its actions and assuming its responsibility towards society, is once again using its means of communication, its power of reach and daily impact on millions of Portuguese, to give visibility to a reality of clear violation of respect for human beings.

The widespread abuses in the run-up to the World Cup in Qatar, as the country organizing the competition, has been the scene of one of the biggest violations of human rights, a real attack on the life, dignity, freedom and personal safety of migrant workers and their families, in the construction of stadiums and other infrastructure. A situation that constitutes an obvious disregard for Article 4 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights.

"We don't forget human rights" is the message of this awareness campaign by MEO and Amnesty International. The campaign presented today continues the movement, begun in 2018, to "humanize" society and MEO's positioning as a brand for causes.

Using its media space and investment in communication, MEO intends to highlight the context of those whose human rights were violated so that this World Cup could be a reality, mobilizing and raising awareness among the Portuguese population for a common cause, greater than any brand, any country or sport.

João Epifânio, CSO B2C at Altice Portugal, says: "The violation of human rights, in the delicate global context we live in, is not limited to Qatar. The MEO brand, which since 2018 has signed "Humanize Yourself", has a role to play and cannot, and should not, remain indifferent. We have been proud sponsors of the Portuguese national soccer team for more than two decades and we will always be at the side of our own and in clear support of the team of all the Portuguese, which is why we have an added responsibility that does not allow us to ignore the events and the violation of human rights. So, once again, we are going to use our investment in media space to give voice to a greater cause in a joint initiative with Amnesty International and promote the need to help the families of the workers who were victims of subhuman working conditions in Qatar."

With a very objective challenge, MEO is inviting everyone to support Amnesty International, as a vehicle for helping the families of thousands of workers who have had their lives and basic rights denied, by making a donation using the yellow button on the MEO remote control, by calling 761 200 000, or on the website MEO will donate one euro for every euro donated by its customers.

We don't forget human rights" campaign

"We don't forget human rights" is the motto of this campaign in which an iconic jersey plays the leading role. The multi-media campaign, broadcast on the usual media - TV, press, radio and digital - will run from November 14 until December 18.

A campaign born from the feet of a child touching a soccer ball and the hope of a better future.

A future where human rights are respected.

For everyone. Regardless of their ethnicity, age, gender or geography.

A child wearing a yellow sweater inspired by Qatari workers' vests.

A shirt with Article 4 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights engraved on the back.

A jersey that pays tribute to all the victimized workers and their families.

A shirt that could be worn with pride by all human rights supporters.

Technical sheet

Executive Producer - Miguel Varela
Director - David Infante
Photography - João Bettencourt
Assistant Director and Editor - Júlio Paixão
Post-production coordination - Beatriz Pereira
Grid and post-production - Tago Garcia
Sound and Sound Studio - Miguel Lima; Estrela de Alcântara

CEO - Tomás Froes
CFO - Lourenço Thomaz
Executive creative director - Ivo Purvis
Account Director - Carla Vidal Marques
Contact - Rita Morgado
Editor - Diogo Stilwel and João RIbeiro
Art Director - João Mescas and Miguel Santos
Producer - Francisco Pinto de Magalhães