It is an electro-optical connector, the size of a finger, which is connected to the central equipment from which the optical fiber that connects customers' homes to this technology originates. Because it is dual, this device allows two optical fibers to be connected to the same port on the central equipment. Through this small but significant interface change, it is possible to double the number of customers who can be connected by optical fiber, while keeping the equipment available in our homes unchanged, since this modification is fully compatible with current routers.
The SFP converts electrical signals into optical signals, since optical fiber uses light to transmit information. This procedure allows the signals that reach our home to be transmitted literally at the speed of light, the fastest transmission medium we know.
This worldwide innovation can be applied to current fiber optic technology, in which the download bandwidth (2.5 Gb/sec) and the upload bandwidth (1.25 Gb/sec) on each optical fiber are shared by the connected users. In addition, this solution can also be applied to the latest technology, which sees symmetrical bandwidths of 10 Gb/sec, i.e. both download and upload.
Fiber optic technology has reached a sufficiently advanced level of maturity to allow us to direct our efforts towards increasing the density of telecommunications exchanges. This innovation from Altice Labs thus represents an important milestone in the development of the technology and a boost of confidence for the massification of greater user density at a much lower cost.
Compared to traditional technology, these converters developed by Altice Labs not only increase the bandwidth capacity on each port of the central equipment, but also increase the density of ports per equipment, enabling networks to reach distances of over 40km.
Through this innovation, Altice Labs is consolidating its position as one of the world's largest and most important players in innovation, with products installed in more than 60 countries on all continents, and is considered a benchmark in the supply of excellent solutions in the market.